[meta:edit-log]: # "2020/11/17"
[meta:title]: # "Keep a stable mind"
[meta:keywords]: # "mind, view"
[meta:description]: # "It's a chaos world outside, but just don't let it sink in, we should realize the control is in our hands."

A busy and rushed day,
  something kept bothering you,
  or waiting for a somewhat negative change?
These are all tiresome to be through, and that's why it's all called "hard times".

At the first glance, we don't have choice but to live with it,
  but please wait and give the mind sometime to think,
  most of the time you may realize it's just that, and you don't have to worry.
And when it's about someone or something you do care so much, you still could choose to:
- admit you got a bad day, to someone, or at somewhere, release the feeling, and recharge
- ask the person why, start solve the problem, it's later or now, so why wait
- wait happily, do other things, the time is set, and if nothing needs to be done beforehand, why waste the time

To persuade our mind back to peace,
  first explain it to yourself, consider what can be done and think if worry will help.
Then try to accept the situation and put the problem aside,
  can you push yourself away from it for 10 minutes, how about longer?
With enough times of practice, you'll believe you can live with hard problems,
  and you will do your best, that's more than good enough.

On the logical side:
  The trouble and the trouble bothering you are two problems,
  take one out first, which ever seems simpler to you.
And not put our mind with trouble does not mean we don't care,
  it just makes no change to the situation,
  if we do not start the fixing process, or talk with the one directly or not.
It's tricky to connect and feel while not drown at the same time,
  this is one possible way to cope.

A stable mind should let us a brighter view of things,
  and not being burdened by pending tasks actually makes you solve them quicker,
  so be positive, be active, and be stable.